Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why Is A Scorpo Man Mean To Me

future - Our cottage on Lake Hallstatt,

In the summer of 2006 we found at a site almost immediately Immobilienscout24
on Lake Hallstatt in Upper Austria and decided to build a house here.

Obertraun is a small town not far from Hallstatt in the region of the world cultural heritage and
has the world-famous ice caves. Free Rider Arena Krippenstein with 30 km - -

Above Obertraun the ski area is off-piste routes from easy to extreme.

A special attraction is the 11 km - downhill with a vertical drop of 1,500 m.

In a comparison of the 01/2006 issue of the ski and winter sports, the magazine Planet Snow Freeride Arena Krippenstein voted the best freeride spot in the Alps.

the end of the construction project will be documented here.

Friends of the wooden house and Bauinteressierte we invite you to visit our forum

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In summer 2003, we found the right site with a fantastic view over the valley in the community Rothenberg-Kortelshütte far from the beautiful Neckar. The entire construction process

the building of our Canadian log house we have on the homepage


Baubeginn war im Januar 2004 und Einzug Mitte Mai 2004.

Architekt : Bruce Ofield -

Ausführung : Okimo -

Seit fast zweieinhalb Jahren leben wir jetzt in unserem Haus und haben es keine Minute bereut, der Großstadt zu entfliehen und in einem Haus aus Baumstämmen zu leben.

Congratulating Engagment


Holzhäuser.........meine Leidenschaft !

Es fing 1998 an.....wir kauften ein Grundstück zwischen Prag und Dresden im früheren
Sudetenland unweit von Litomerice in dem kleinen Dorf Trnobrany.

Even then my special interest was focused on Canadian log homes, but after some research
was this time almost priceless, since only import from Canada
came into question, or one of the few manufacturers in Germany.

Thus was deleted this design from the wishful thinking and we decided
us for the construction of a Finnish log cabin with 90mm block board -
interior insulation and block panel trim on the inside.

This house we use as a holiday home.

In 2003, the desire for a house in Germany
great and we were in search of a building site.